When Is the Time to Clear Space?

Releasing Traumatic Events and Emotions
     • Divorce
     • Financial failure
     • Illness, death, loss
     • Conflict, anger
     • Depression

Selling or Buying Property
     • When you move out of a building, to speed resale.
     • When you move into a new space, to make the space fully yours and free you from the
           energy of former events and occupants.

Boosting Business
     • When you want to boost morale and profits, at a time of new beginning, or to support a
           shift in plan or emphasis.

Supporting Healing or Easing Dying
     • When someone is ill, to provide support for healing, at home or in the hospital room.
     • When someone is dying, to provide support for a peaceful passage.

Releasing Ghosts
     • When you feel there are other presences in your space, such as ghosts.

Creating Maximum Support for Positive Change
     • When you feel stuck in life, or just generally "down."
     • When you want to attract new opportunities in your life.
     • When you need a thorough spring cleaning at all levels. Many engage in a New Year
           space clearing to set themselves on a fresh course.


Red Butterfly
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